Artificial Testicle
An artificial testicle, also known as a cosmetic testicle, is used to replace a natural testicle that has been surgically removed or is absent due to congenital defects or injury. The artificial testicle is used to improve the physical appearance and psychological well-being of individuals who have lost their testicles and is placed in the empty scrotal sac to fill the space.
The artificial testicle is approved by the FDA:
Artificial testicles are available in several different shapes and sizes to match the body’s form and are typically made of safe medical materials such as silicone, which is a silicone shell filled with saline solution. The artificial testicle has a natural appearance and texture to enhance the appearance and reduce psychological stress, but it does not have any actual testicular functions.
What are the causes of a missing testicle?
• Testicular deformity or absence at birth.
• Surgical removal of the testicle due to injury, such as a severe torsion, or as a treatment for testicular cancer.
• Failure of the testicle to descend into the scrotum.
• Trauma.
Candidates for artificial testicle implantation:
Testicle implantation is intended for cosmetic purposes only and does not function as a natural testicle. Candidates for an artificial testicle are those who have lost one or both testicles due to undescended testicle(s), radical testicular excision, atrophy, torsion, or testicular cancer.
Objectives of artificial testicle implantation:
Artificial testicle implantation is performed within the scrotal sac to address the loss of one or both testicles in children and adults and to achieve the following benefits:
1. Maintaining a normal body image: An artificial testicle helps rebalance the physical appearance of men who have lost one or both testicles.
2. Supporting psychological well-being: Some individuals experience psychological and emotional disturbances due to testicular loss. The artificial testicle can contribute to reducing psychological consequences and improving self-confidence, as it provides a simple and easy way to restore a natural body image. The cosmetic results provided by testicle implantation can have positive psychological benefits and lead to a high level of patient satisfaction.
3. Preserve clothing fit: The artificial testicle provides a better fit for underwear, swimming, and sports, contributing to daily comfort.
What are the characteristics of an artificial testicle?
• It does not cause any chemical reactions.
• It does not cause infections.
• It can take and maintain the proper shape.
• It provides a sense of comfort.
Before undergoing testicle implantation surgery:
Dr. Adham Zaazaa, a consultant in andrology and male reproductive medicine at Cairo University School of Medicine, welcomes listening to the patient’s complete medical history, symptoms, and any concerns they may have. The patient’s condition is evaluated to ensure readiness for surgery and to answer any questions they may have.
Dr. Adham Zaazaa also discusses with the patient his need for an artificial testicle implantation. He ensures that the patient has a realistic expectation of the potential results and appearance. So he can discuss the possible outcome and how his scrotum will look completely normal.
Dr. Adham Zaazaa also explains the instructions to be followed before surgery, including the following:
• The patient should not eat or drink anything the night before the procedure.
• Discontinuation of aspirin and herbal supplements is necessary.
• Smoking should be avoided for at least two weeks before and after the surgery.
Steps for Artificial Testicle Implantation:
• The patient is placed under local anesthesia by the anesthesiologist to prevent any pain in the lower part of the body during the procedure.
• Antibiotics are administered intravenously.
• A small incision is made in the upper scrotal sac.
• Dr. Adham Zaazaa selects the size of the artificial testicle to match the natural testicle for symmetry restoration. In cases where both testicles are lost, their sizes are determined to fill the scrotal sac and restore complete symmetry.
• The neck of the scrotal sac is closed with sutures to prevent the artificial testicle from moving upwards.
• The incision is closed with absorbable sutures that do not require removal.
• The testicle implantation procedure is relatively simple and takes less than an hour to complete.
• The patient is then kept under observation for at least an hour, and once he feels comfortable, he is allowed to return home.
Post-Artificial Testicle Implantation:
The patient requires a short recovery period. The following are expected:
• Pain in the surgical area for at least the first 24 to 48 hours. Dr. Adham Zaazaa prescribes painkillers during this period.
• Surgical dressings remain in place for several days at least.
• Urinary function is not affected.
• Antibiotics are administered.
• The patient can resume most non-strenuous daily activities within three days.
• Dr. Adham Zaazaa advises avoiding heavy lifting, bicycling, or strenuous physical activity for approximately one month after the surgery.
• Typically, a follow-up appointment with Dr. Adham Zaazaa is scheduled six to eight weeks after the procedure to evaluate the cosmetic outcome.
• The artificial testicle will not be noticeable to others unless the patient chooses to reveal this information to them.
• The artificial testicle does not affect the ability to achieve sexual pleasure and ejaculation.
• Concerns about cancer or connective tissue diseases resulting from the use of silicone implants are unfounded and mere misconceptions.
What are the possible complications of artificial testicle implantation?
• Pain.
• Infection.
• Hematoma formation in the scrotal sac.
• Appearance dissatisfaction after surgery.
• Scarring around the implant.
• Displacement of the artificial testicle from its position.
• Rupture or leakage of the artificial testicle.
Medical conditions that may increase the patient’s susceptibility to complications include:
• Diabetic or immunodeficient individuals have an increased risk of infection.
• Presence of an existing infection anywhere in the body.
• Previous surgery in the scrotal sac.
The expertise of the urologist and his successful track record prevent such complications, even if the patient belongs to the higher-risk categories. This is because proper patient preparation before surgery and adherence to international standards and techniques are the prime concerns of a successful urologist like Dr. Adham Zaazaa.
Losing a testicle is a challenging situation for men. Therefore, undergoing artificial testicle implantation surgery with Dr. Adham Zaazaa, Consultant in Microscopic Injection and a professor of Andrology and Fertility Surgeries at Cairo University, is a simple and safe surgical solution that can help those with a missing testicle achieve the desired cosmetic result.